Prayer Schedule
We have prayer services in the synagogue daily!
If you are new to the synagogue please register for services here
A mask covering both your nose and mouth is required for all non-fully vaccinated attendees.
Full vaccination is defined as two weeks after your final vaccination dose.

Daily Class Schedule
Check out this week’s daily class schedule for we classes that will inspire your mind and feed your soul!
Email office@ejsny.org to dedicate a class and/or program in honor of, for the refuah shelema of, for the protections of, or in memory of your loved ones.

Make A Contribution
Every contribution goes a long way in helping our synagogue service our beautiful and growing community!
Dedicate a Class
$126 each (or any additioanl amount you'd like to contribute)
Sponsor Shabbat Refreshments
Kiddush $800 - Seuda Shelisheet $360 - Deluxe Seuda Shelisheet $1200
Contribute to a Fund
Rabbi's Hesed Fund - Hazan Fund - Library Fund
Pay for an Aliyah
Make a General Contribution
Just because...
Mar 25 2025
Adar 25 5785