Perashat Lekh Lekha 5777
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Perashat Lekh Lekha 5777
Friday, November 11, 2016In Search of the Truth
The dawn of a new era begins with the birth of Abraham. Almost two thousand years have passed from the birth of Adam until the birth of Abraham; and those years were a complete disappointment to the Creator.
The original plan was for all humanity to have an equal participation in the Divine Providence and for the timeless principles of the Torah to be given to all mankind early on in the history of man. The ultimate failure of the generations that preceded Abraham changed the course of history. As Abraham became the only privileged one of being chosen as the father of a future nation which will be the recipient of the Principles of Torah, the rest of the nations followed their inclination of idol worshipping, immorality and anti-social behavior.
Abraham, from a young age searched for a meaningful life; he understood that to worship one’s own creations, i.e. a wooden or a stone-made statue, is absurd. So he embarked in searching for the true Creator until he really found Him. It was at that point that the A-mighty instructed Abram and his wife Sarai to leave his hometown to a land that will become the inheritance of his descendants.
Abraham understood that the world was abounding with opportunities to find the absolute truth. It may require significant work and dedication; it may require traveling abroad and embarking on a journey. However ultimately that truth will be found and the future will be brought into being. Abraham went to great lengths to search for the truth, and endured many trials and tribulations for the sake of the truth.
Unfortunately, many people in our time and generation prefer to avoid the truth and continue living in the world of lies and falsehood. Falling prey to their desires and their comfort, they build for themselves idols and altars where they can sacrifice the truth and people of good will. As a lie continues to be told it becomes the “truth” in their eyes to the point that they can no longer identify truths from falsehood.
Fortunately, as we have concluded this long Presidential campaign of over 600 days, it brings a sense of relief. The falsehood and lies that were said, perpetuated, supported and presented as truth by the candidates, their campaigns and supporters, and also by most of the media, indeed became the “truth” in their eyes - to the point of blindness to the reality around them.
It is my hope, that now that this race has concluded, their eyes will open up, and the integrity of the people involved will be restored. Much lies ahead of us to reunite the population and address the real issues that are needed to govern this country.
Let us learn to distinguish the truth from the falsehoods, from the experience of Abraham and Sarah, who came to recognize the true Creator and became the founding fathers of the Jewish People, who are known to be the people of the truth.
We pray to G-d and hope that He will imbue the new administration with wisdom and understanding, to seek the truth, combat falsehood and corruption, and lead this country in the right path.
Mar 6 2025
Adar 6 5785