Perashat Korah 5780
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Perashat Korah 5780
Thursday, June 25, 2020Fight to the Death

Watch Rabbi Shlomo Farhi's Shabbat Korah Message Here!
This class was dedicated in honor of Rabbi Shlomo Farhi, keep making our community great! Le’ilui nishmat Rahel bat Sophie Shefiah, Rabbi David ben Rivka ,Shlomo ben Rivka, Rachel bat Yaffa, Yvette bat Bahieh, Yaakob ben Sara, Leah bat Mazal and -- For the refuah shelema of Rose Raizel Chaya bat Chava, Marco Mordechai ben Jamillé, Racheli Chaya bat Yehudit and Rav Yehoshua Yosef Pinto ben Zeri by Anonymous, for the refuah shelema of Rachel bat Masouda by Ilana & Ronny Shmoel and Le’ilui nishmat Abraham ben Zerife Sutton a”h by Victoria & Joseph A. Sutton
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