Perashat Haey Sarah 5776
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Perashat Haey Sarah 5776
Friday, November 06, 2015It is said that a true and loyal assistant, deputy, or emissary is the one who fulfills exactly what his supervisor has requested from him or the mission that he has given him to fulfill. The Torah gives the title of Loyal Servant – Eved Ne’eman, to Moshe Rabbenu, since he fulfilled exactly all what the Almighty had requested of him.
In Perashat Haye Sarah, the unnamed servant of Abraham Abinu, is yet another person, whom the Torah refers to as a “loyal servant”. He merited this title because he was indeed a true servant. He was in charge of all that belonged to Abraham. According to our sages this was none other than Eliezer, who accompanied Abraham throughout all the stages of his life; when he left his homeland, when he went to become circumcised, and when he went to bind Yishak - and now he is the one who is entrusted to find a bride for Yishak.
Eliezer was so meticulous in fulfilling his master’s wishes, that he constructed signs for himself that would assure him that his choice would be the correct one. Eliezer was not actually responsible for the qualities of the bride-to-be, since his charge was merely, “do not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites… rather to my land and to my kindred you shall go a take a wife for my son Yishak”. His responsibility was only to take a bride from a specific locale and family. Yet Eliezer set up certain tests that would clarify what kind of qualities she should have. This action in itself demonstrated that Eliezer, in fact, went above and beyond his master’s intentions and wishes, by adding certain requirements that were sure to result in success. Eliezer not only followed the letter of his master’s command, but its spirit as well. He understood what was being asked of him, and proceeded in a manner that would realize the desired outcome of the task that his master set before him, fulfilling his master’s wishes beyond his wildest dreams, thereby demonstrating true fidelity to Abraham and his mission.
As children of Abraham, Yishak and Ya’acob, we have also been given the title of “loyal servants” of G-d. As loyal servants of G-d, our mission is to bring the light of His wisdom – as embodied in the Torah - to humanity. We are commanded to follow the missvot of the Torah, and to serve by example as an “Or Lagoyyim” – “A Light Unto the Nations”; to live by example and demonstrate what is the proper life and lifestyle desired by the Almighty. In that vein, we understand that the entire Torah serves as a guidebook of how to live properly in the service of G-d. Thus, even the narratives of Bereshit are not meant as a storybook of our forefathers lives, but rather as lessons for us how to behave – and in some instances how not to behave. (An example of the latter would be the jealously between Joseph and his brothers.) One of the main lessons in our perasha, therefore, is the idea of loyalty – as demonstrated by Eliezer’s commitment to go “above and beyond” in fulfilling his master’s wish.
When we recite the “Shema” twice daily, we reconfirm our loyalty to Boreh Olam by saying, “Ve’ahavta et Hashem Elohekha.” We pledge our fidelity to G-d by affirming to observe the missvot with all our heart, might and soul. This is our mission; to be loyal to Hashem through our observance of Torah and missvot, and hoping in that manner to make the world a better place. Let us try to emulate Eliezer in this task, and go “above and beyond” our charge, thereby demonstrating our complete and total commitment as true loyal servants of Boreh Olam.
Dec 21 2024
Kislev 20 5785