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Perashat Vayishlah 5776

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Perashat Vayishlah 5776

Friday, November 27, 2015 Author: Rabbi Elie Abadie

As anti-Semitic acts are on the rise all over the world, people ask what is the origin of anti-Semitism? How old is anti-Semitism? What fuels it and who is responsible? 

Many of the so-called experts weigh in and of course each one has his or her opinion as to what is the root cause of anti-Semitism. They range from one extreme of blaming the victims – Jews - for being responsible through their behavior in creating and fueling anti-Semitism, to full responsibility of the enemies of the Jews for inciting and increasing anti-Semitism.

Perashat Vayishlah recounts the first encounter between the brothers Yaakob and Esav, after 34 years of separation subsequent to Yaakob’s escape from his parents’ household “at the heel” of Esav’s desire to kill Yaakob. 

Yaakob returns from Haran, the place of his uncle Laban, unscathed physically, but emotionally shaken from Laban’s behavior toward him. Now, Yaakob faces the possibility of meeting Esav and not knowing what Esav’s reaction will be. Will Yaakov be killed, mutilated, or even isolated from the rest of society? Yaakob prepares for that encounter by praying to G-d, by sending gifts to appease his brother, and placing his camp in a strategic position to minimize the losses that he will incur in case there is a military confrontation. 

The encounter takes place without much consequence. There are innuendos and nuances to both Yaakob and Esav’s behaviors. Yaakob’s behavior demonstrated appeasement, a concern for survival, and wishes of peaceful resolution of their differences. Esav’s behavior exposed contempt and resistance, revealing a desire to eradicate Yaakob but unable to do so. As in any diplomatic meeting or encounter between two nations or two people who dislike each other, or one wants to destroy the other yet is unable to, one can feel the tension in the air during that meeting or encounter. Sometimes, one can more clearly hear the words of silence than the spoken words in such meetings. 

The results of Yaakob and Esav’s encounter was more of a ceasefire than a peace treaty. From here our Sages say “Halakha: Esav Soneh et Yaakob – It’s a Rule: Esav hates Yaakob”. The reasons include dislike, jealousy, contempt, resentment, envy, and anger. Most of the time, it has nothing to do with Yaakob or his descendants; Esav and his descendants will hate them anyway.

Anti-Semitism represents Esav’s hatred of Yaakob. We may as well call it Esavism or Edomism, as Esav is know as Edom. The reasons are numerous. The nations of the world have a dislike of the Jewish People; jealousy, envy, resentment, contempt, anger, and most of time no reason whatsoever except using the Jews as a scapegoat. That is the legacy that Esav and Edom have left to the world, “The hatred of the Jews and Israel”.

This week, the U.N. General Assembly on November 24, 2015 passed only 6 resolutions about world affairs. Yes, you guessed it, all of them were resolutions to condemn Israel. 

1.    A/RES/70/17 – Condemning Israel for holding on to the Golan Height and how Israel needs to return it to Syria. 
2.    A/RES/70/16 – Condemning Israel for keeping Jerusalem and making it the Capital of Israel. 
3.    A/RES/70/16 – The use of all resources of the UN to support “Palestinian Refugees” and criticizing Israel.
4.    A/RES/70/14 – In support of the Establishment of a State of Palestine and criticizing Israel for not achieving this goal.
5.    A/RES/70/13 – Securing “Palestinian” rights and criticizing Israel for not respecting them.
6.    A/RES/70/12 – Establishing the inalienable right of the “Palestinian People” and criticizing Israel for violating them.

As the old adage says about the Roman Emperor Nero who was “fiddling while Rome was burning,” so too this UN General Assembly is fiddling. The entire Middle East is burning while they are passing resolutions condemning Israel. 

The Syrian War has already killed over 300,000 people.  There is no rule of law; the country ruled in different geographic areas by 13 terrorist groups, and yet the UN wants Israel to return the Golan to Syria. The Golan was won by Israel in a war that saw Syria, Egypt and Jordan attack Israel. 

The so called “Palestinian Refugees” have received over $75 billion in financial support over the years, more than any other refugee group in the world’s history. Not the WWI, not the WWII, not the Korean, Philippines, Eastern Europe, Rwandan, Tibetans, etc. Not even the Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries, which up until today they have not received even one cent for their suffering. Yet, the UN still wants to support the so-called Palestinian Refugees.  

Arab Terrorists are stabbing and killing Jews in Israel.  Hamas continues its aggression against Israel and the Jews.  Yet, the UN is voting to condemn Israel and establish a State of Palestine. 

Islamic Jihadist are beheading westerners, Christians and even their own people.  Yet the UN condemns Israel and does not say a word about the Islamist. 

ISIS is wreaking havoc on the European continent and yet the UN and the European Union vote to condemn Israel for “occupation of the Palestinian People”. 

I ask you, where are the heads of all of these UN nations? Buried under the sand? Are they not reading the news? Are they not hearing what is happening in the world? 

Of course, they are. It is their anti-Semitic feeling that outmaneuvers all truths, realities and facts. That is the legacy that Esav and Edom left to the world. 

As much as Israel and the Jews attempt to do what Yaakob did, namely give gifts of appeasements, attempt at making peace, pray and prepare for a defensive strategy and not an offensive one, still we are seen with contempt, jealousy, anger, dislike, and ultimately hate. 

We know that G-d is on our side as He was with Yaakob. Ultimately, our triumph will be seen in the eyes of the entire world. And I believe that triumph is near. 

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