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Perashat Emor 5776

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Perashat Emor 5776

Friday, May 20, 2016 Author: Rabbi Elie Abadie

During this year of Presidential elections, we are all the more sensitized about the leaders we choose. We scrutinize them thoroughly, or at least we think we do, and any imperfection we find, we make into a scandal and interpret it to suit our political inclination. If it concerns a candidate that we are disposed to vote for, then his or her blemish becomes insignificant. However, if it concerns the candidate that we do not support, this blemish instantly becomes the litmus test of the ethical and moral behavior of such a candidate.   

It is true that political leaders become, and maybe ought to be, role models; unfortunately, in our generation and the generation of our children, the sports and entertainment industry can claim to have more “role models”, than the political establishment. Truthfully, I am not sure which group wins the “Worst Role Model Award”. In the political establishment, their failings are mostly unethical, while in the sports and entertainment industry, their failings are immoral. 

When it comes to spiritual leaders, they are almost always held in high esteem. Believed to be the servant of G-d A-mighty, a higher standard is attributed to them. Priests – those that participate in the Divine Service of the Temple - especially had a specific set of rules and laws that required them to maintain a particular responsibility and to maintain higher standards of holy behavior and purity.

Perashat Emor describes certain rules of behavior, which include to whom a Kohen – a Priest - may marry, disqualifying physical and personal blemishes, how the kohanim can eat while safeguarding the sanctity of the offerings and the Terumah, as well as their prohibition from coming in contact with a cadaver. 

Judaism places a tremendous importance on the position of a Kohen – Priest, a spiritual leader. They are regarded to be on a higher spiritual level,  which  demands of them a higher standard of behavior. They are the role model that we ought to emulate and follow. Their mode of behavior, their speech, their attitude and their human relations are so important, that we should learn from them and apply it to our manner of behavior. 

How different is the behavior of Priests and spiritual leaders of other faiths and religions from ours? In the days of old and throughout history, we have read and heard about the excesses of the lifestyle, the abuse of the masses, the immoral acts, unethical behavior, and the bloodthirsty behavior of the non-Jewish priests -  all in the name of their idol-god. They were the privileged few; a special club that was rarely criticized or invaded, and even then, only under the penalty of death.

Even in our days, in remote areas of the world, in still-primitive regions and countries, those same behaviors still exist and flourish. Moreover, in not-so remote or primitive areas, despicable behavior still exists. Certain spiritual leaders, in their sermons and preaching, emit calls for murder, debauchery, immoral acts, and unethical behavior. These are broadcasted via the internet, television, fliers and the radio. Needless to say, most of those calls are hurled against our people and Israel. 

As much as we may witness the demise of the archenemies of Israel and the Western World, new ones rise up, and become responsible not only for calling upon the murder and torture of so many people but also of actually murdering thousands of innocent people in cold blood in the name of their G-d. Most of the time their titles are “Sheik”, a Priest in their religion. Like them, many with that same title - and even higher titles - have used their pulpit to sow hatred, immorality and commit unethical acts.

Fortunate are we, the recipients of the Torah and the Wisdom of G-d, which has allowed us to maintain our “Priest – Spiritual Leaders” at the spiritual height that ought to be maintained. Unfortunately, we have seen some exceptions even in our ranks; however very far from the same magnitude, extent, enormity or degree that is found among the non-Jewish people. It is only from a, “Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation”, as the Jewish People are known, that a “higher spiritual level and high standard of Priesthood,” can be expected. 

As we choose our political leaders, we ought to understand that they are human beings who rise from among our ranks. If society in general is unethical and immoral, we cannot expect our political leaders to be any different. We need to perfect our ethics and morality so we can have a leader that was raised in such a moral and ethical environment to become such a “role model” to the generation. We have heard much about the ‘trickle down economy’, however, when it comes to ethics and morality, we should employ the ‘trickle up’ or ‘fountain effect’ in order to raise the standard of ethics and morality in our society to new heights. 

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