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Perashat Vayera 5777

Friday, November 18, 2016 Author: Rabbi Elie Abadie

There is an attempt at making a joke which is currently circulating, that says: "What's the difference between Trump and America's liberal Jews? Trump's grandchildren are Jews". I am not sure what is so funny about it. Of course, while the cynics will laugh, I will be happy, yet, at the same time, shudder and be sad. I am happy for Mr. Trump, not only because he was elected President, but because he has the privilege to have grandchildren who are members of the most ancient, continuous people and nation, dating back to our forefather Abraham Abinu; the Jewish Nation and People. I am sad for all those Jewish grandparents who will, unfortunately, not have such a privilege, as they will see their descendants disappear from our People due to assimilation and intermarriage. I also shudder at the idea, that almost 70% of American Jews will be facing a similar fate, as they distance themselves from Judaism and Israel, assimilate and disappear from the ranks of the Jewish People and Nation. A four-thousand-year-old saga will end for them, as they become part of the dustbin of history. ...


Perashat Lekh Lekha 5777

Friday, November 11, 2016 Author: Rabbi Elie Abadie

The dawn of a new era begins with the birth of Abraham. Almost two thousand years have passed from the birth of Adam until the birth of Abraham; and those years were a complete disappointment to the Creator. ...


Perashat Noah 5777

Friday, November 04, 2016 Author: Rabbi Daniel Greenwald

In this week’s perasha, Noah, we read, how ten “generations” after Creation, Hashem decided to destroy the entire world – which was full of violence and immorality - and start anew through Noah and his family. The Torah describes Noah as a perfect Saddik, a true righteous man; one who, “walked with Hashem.” (Ber. 6:9) We would imagine that this is the reason that he was chosen to be saved and to become the new “Adam” in the Divine do-over. However, our sages say that this was not the reason why he was saved. Rather, Noah was saved, since he, “found favor (hen-חן) in Hashem’s eyes.” [Sanhedrin 108]


Perashat Bereshit 5777

Friday, October 28, 2016 Author: Rabbi Elie Abadie

We began the new Torah reading cycle this week, right after we concluded last year’s cycle on Simhat Torah. Very aptly named, the first Perasha in the Torah is Perashat Bereshit; meaning, “In the beginning”. Life teaches us that there is always a beginning and an end to almost everything around us; from life itself to practically everything we do. There is usually a beginning and an end in matters of school, career, business, events, happy or sad occasions, etc. ...


Perashat Ha'azinu 5777

Friday, October 14, 2016 Author: Rabbi Daniel Greenwald

In this week’s perasha, Ha’azinu, Moshe Rabbenu prophecizes that sometime in the future, after his death, the Jewish people will stray from the path of serving Hashem, and sin. In this prophecy, Moshe refers to the nation as “Yeshurun.” R. Bruckheimer, in ‘Al HaRishonim, records the opinions of several of the commentaries who discuss the root and the significance of this name. ...


Perashat Vayelekh 5777

Friday, October 07, 2016 Author: Rabbi Elie Abadie

Life is a dynamic process. In life, we move, we progress, we change. The most important factor in life, is time. Time is measured and defined scientifically as the movement from point A to point B. As time passes, so life passes. We move in life from one stage to another, from one place to another, from one situation to another. ...


Perashat Nessabim 5776

Friday, September 30, 2016 Author: Rabbi Elie Abadie

The Me Generation (AKA the iGeneration) The generation in which we live, has been dubbed the, “Me Generation.” It is certainly not a flattering term for an entire generation. As its name alludes, this generation looks to satisfy, please, enrich, make happy, and gratify oneself. Since the 1960’s, this phenomenon began with the Civil Rights movement, and continued with the Women’s Liberation movement, constantly emphasizing the rights of the individual. This enormous social movement then, shifted its attention and focus of society from the welfare of the group to the welfare of the individual. While in the past, the rights and welfare of the individual may have been restricted - or even sacrificed for the welfare and advancement of society - now it is completely the opposite; the rights and welfare of society have been overlooked and sacrificed for the rights and welfare of the individual. This shift has taken place in government, in the courts and in society in general....


Perashat Ki Tabo 5776

Friday, September 23, 2016 Author: Rabbi Elie Abadie

Compassion Begins at Home Over 10 days ago we commemorated the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. We cannot, but remember the tragedy that was brought upon this country by a group of 19 Islamic terrorists who had no respect for the sanctity of life, including the lives of civilians; men, women and children. These terrorists plunged people to their death, burned, murdered and killed 2,977 innocent people; may their memory be of blessing. This country and the entire world, were shaken by such a tragedy. Unfortunately, the world today is not safer than 15 years ago; in fact it has become more dangerous and lawless. Just this past week New York and New Jersey witnessed several bombings perpetrated by an Islamic terrorist whose intention was to kill as many people as possible and wreak havoc upon the inhabitants of this city and the United States. The past year has seen many Islamic terrorist attacks throughout the world; in Europe, in the Americas, in the Middle East and, of course, in Israel. More and more diabolical and cruel villains have been rearing their ugly heads. We cannot tell anymore if reality is mimicking Hollywood or if Hollywood is mirroring realty. ...


Perashat Ki Tesse 5776

Friday, September 16, 2016 Author: Rabbi Elie Abadie

We have been reading a lot in the newspapers and in the electronic media about captive women and their mistreatment. The wars in Syria and Iraq, in Yemen, and in Africa have brought to light the atrocities committed against women and minors; young and old alike. Their sale in slave markets, their physical enslavement and their sexual exploitation, is reminiscent of the ancient and medieval ages. Yet it is actually happening in our days - in the 21st century! The violations of their human rights and their dignity is deplorable and reprehensible. Yet, we do not hear much in the way of protestations from the rest of the world. ...


Perashat Shofetim 5776

Friday, September 09, 2016 Author: Rabbi Elie Abadie

There has been a lot of talk this year during the presidential campaign about secure borders and the responsibility of a leader to protect his home, city or nation from intruders that have the intent to inflict harm upon that territory and its inhabitants. I believe that everyone agrees that it is important to protect oneself and one's own territory from trespassers and from anyone who is bent upon committing crimes against the citizens and inhabitants of that territory. The question is, to what extent does one have to go to protect their country and its people. This is where the disagreement lays. ...


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